Monday, April 13, 2009

Off the Dance Floor

I have said that the prowlers were a good group of friends this year, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that not only did we spend so much time practicing together but we hung out outside of practice also. If someone on the team was having a birthday we would often skip practice and go out for dinner. We also had a holiday dinner with the cheerleaders and a sleepover at the end of last semester. It was a good chance for us to get to know more about each other and form a bond. At the end of this year we will also be having a banquet thing as well as an end of year sleepover. And let me just say Prowler sleepover was the highlight of last semester.

Loon-E crew doesn't hang out all together but many of people on the crew and good friends and hang out together on a regular basis. At the beginning of the year they invited the whole crew to go out clubbing as a group a few times but since then we have been mostly a group that only gets together for practices and performances. I for one would love to hang out with the crew all together at a club or something, everyone is so funny and in general fun to be around.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Performing at Spotlight, Trinity's talent show, has become somewhat of a Prowler tradition. Every year the captain of Prowlers puts together a dance for spotlight. This year Mary Beth compiled a variety of songs with colors in their titles as a theme for this years dance. The small solo and duet parts were choreographed by the girls in those parts and the end where we all come together was choreographed by Mary Beth. We learned the dance the week before spring break and then spent the weeks up to Spotlight cleaning and critiquing each other to make sure we were together. After the dance was ready we all went to the mall to get shirts that went well with not only the color of our song but the genre of music. The practices on stage did not always go so well because we often had to mark the end because of spacing, and come show night it might not have looked the best it could have but we all had a good time and that was the last time we would all dance together since we are losing our seniors :(

Below is a video of the dance, the lights make it a bit bright and if the music is difficult to hear you may need to turn up the volume.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

(Time) Commitment to Exellence

Time commitments differ greatly from Prowlers
and Loon-E crew. Prowlers meet 3 times a week
while Loon-E crew manages to met only once a week unless there is a performance that week.
Prowlers meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8 and Wednesdays from 6-7:30.
The following is a typical practice
  • Stretch for fifteen minutes
  • Learn the routine for that week
  • Clean and make sure everyone is together
  • Practice skills that are in that weeks dance
  • Practice on field or court

Sometimes it seems like a lot of time but we perform at every home football and basketball game so we need to be prepared. Although we often end up chit-chatting for a good 20 minutes of practice, it is fun and we were all good friends this year.

Loon-E crew is a veryyy laid back group. If you want to be in a group with very few expectations and commitments this is the group for you. There were only 3 performances this year and you can chose whether to participate in them or not. We have one practice a week normally that starts at 12, but it's normal to have people strolling in up til 12:30. The choreographer then starts to teach the dance for the next performance, complete with lots of distractions, laughter, suggestions and talking. At first I found this frustrating because I came from a very organized dance background but now it's whatever.